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Help Center of JollyMax
Payment, Orders & Delivery
Payment, Orders & Delivery
Payment is completed but order status is " FAILED"
Unable to pay, the payment amount does not match the payment method limit
Payment has been completed, but the order status is still being processed.
Discontinued Payment Methods
Game / App Direct Top Up Delivery
I chose an incorrect game / app when making a purchase
I entered an incorrect Game ID / Server ID when making a purchase
My order not received
Where can I find my order?
Can I close my order? And how long does it take to close the order?
How can I get my purchase history?
CD Key / Voucher Code Delivery
Where to find CD Key / Voucher codes after Successful Purchase
My CD Key / Voucher Code Redemption Failed
I don't know how to redeem my CD Key / Voucher code
I provided an incorrect email address while making an order of CD Key / Voucher code
E Load / Phone Recharge Delivery
I have not received my E Load / Data recharge yet in my phone number
I selected an incorrect telecom operator when making a purchase.
I entered an incorrect phone number when making a purchase.
Refund Related
When my refund will be received ?